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Discover why now is the best time to sell your home and think about moving!

11 March 2023

With spring nearly upon us, March is set to be the busiest month for the property market* as homeowners take advantage of the seasonal change to list their properties and look to take the next step on the property ladder.

As more properties hit the market, buyers have even more homes to choose from. There are more homes being listed for sale this year compared with last year so its already looking to offer fantastic choice for homebuyers.

Not only that but the number of buyers increase meaning you could sell your home faster than during other months of the year!

Paul Martin, Sales Manager at Walton Homes says ‘We are readying ourselves for a very positive month during March. Typically as we head into the warmer months, we see homebuyers seeking their next move. Not only does the market see a rise in the number of homes on the market but also the number of buyers seeking properties.’

‘With footfall and interest expected to rise in our new homes, equally importantly the rise in interest in our buyers properties also increases seeing a positive impact on the overall market.’

If you are home hunting, we recommend that you look to get your property on the market early so that you are in the most proceedable position, preferably with your home being sold subject to contract

So here are our top tips for you to consider this month:

  1. Have a look at what properties are currently on the market and what agents they are listed with, usually areas will have strong ties with certain estate agents.

  2. Make sure your home is presentable, don’t spend time on big home projects that won’t improve the value of your home, instead focus on a simple de-clutter or giving your garden a little bit of attention.

  3. Don’t be afraid to approach 2 or 3 estate agents so that you can make an informed decision that’s right for you and your circumstances.

  4. Obtain valuations from them, this in turn will help you get an understanding for your affordability for your new home.

  5. Check your current mortgage documents and contact your current lender to advise them that you are planning to sell your home.

  6. You’ll need to provide your estate agent with an Energy Performance Certificate, so check yours is still valid.

  7. Don’t forget to find yourself a solicitor to act for you when it comes to the sale and ultimately the purchase of your new home.

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